⚠️ Abload is going offline.

Unfortunately, we have sad news to announce:
Abload.de and all uploaded images and links will go offline at the end of 30th June 2024.
Further information can be found on the homepage of abload.de if needed.

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Donate to Abload


Abload.de and all uploaded images and links will go offline at the end of 30th June 2024. We would still appreciate donations very much. Information on this and how to cancel a direct debit donation can be found in the text below.

Dear Abloader,

As you have probably already read on our homepage, Abload will go offline at the end of 30th June 2024. Our costs will continue unchanged until then (and even beyond). In fact, our expenses in the last few months have been higher than ever before, mainly due to the many measures taken to examine our future and the provision of the function to download images. If you would like to support us in bearing this burden, we would be very grateful. New donations can still be made via bank transfer and PayPal. However, we can no longer accept new direct debit orders.

If you are already donating by direct debit and wish to end your donation prematurely, please send us a message via our contact form. Please make sure to include at least your first and last name so that we can assign everything correctly. Ideally, you should also send us the mandate reference, which you can find in the reference field of each debit. Regardless, we will be collecting direct debits for the last time around 20th June 2024. It's not necessary for you to cancel the debits on your end in this regard. We would be grateful if you could continue to support us until then.

Thank you very much,
On behalf of the Abload team,

Please choose a method to donate:

Bank / Wire transfer

In order to donate via bank transfer / wire, please just send your donation to the bank account stated below. If you want to donate frequently (e.g., monthly), you should setup a so-called standing order. This way, you do not need to always execute the transfer manually.

Please, do not forget to put your name into the “Reason for transfer”-field. Otherwise, we cannot turn off the advertisements for you. Of course we also appreciate your donation if you have no Abload account. Please be aware that this is a manual process and can, in the worst case, take up to 30 days.

Name:Jens Alex Hummert
IBAN:DE48 2924 0024 0343 8488 01
German account number:343848801
German bank code:29240024
Bank:Commerzbank Bremerhaven
Reason for Transfer:Donation Abload, Your account name

Please only donate via PayPal if a donation via bank transfer / wire is not possible for you. This is because PayPal charges us 3.9% plus 0.35 Euro with every donation.

Please be aware that this is a manual process and can, in the worst case, take up to 30 days.

To donate for Abload, please enter your user name (if you have an account) or verify it if it is already prefilled. Of course we also appreciate your donation if you have no Abload account. Next, click on "Donate!", to select the amount of your donation and if you want to donate once or monthly:

> Your user name (if you have one):

Mail / Post

For those users who are not that familiar with the internet and its payment options, we also offer donating via mail / post. To do so, please just send your donation to the post address below. To keep the cost of postage low, please consider sending only notes. For security reasons, please place heavier paper around them so that the money cannot be identified as such from the outside.

Please do not forget to mention your Abload account name. Otherwise, we cannot turn off the advertisings for your account. What is more, please be aware that, in the worst case, it can take up to 30 days for this to be processed.

Jens Hummert
abload.de imagehosting
Hermannstraße 224a
12049 Berlin-Neukölln